Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident

Draft document: Radiological Protection of People and the Environment in the Event of a Large Nuclear Accident
Submitted by Yamamoto Hidehiko, as individual
Commenting as an individual

私は日本の小児科医です。2011 年 の福島原発事故以降、それまでの日本の罹患率の 50
倍を超える小児甲状腺がんが福島県で 多発しています 。スクリーニング効果や過剰診断に
仲間ととも に人年あたりの福島県 内 59 市町村での甲状腺がん検出率と被ばく線量の容量反
応関係を調べました。 UNSCEAR MEXT 測定の 1710 箇所での線量順に 10 に分けた地域
での検出率は明らかに線量との有意のポアソン回帰を示しました。 Detection Rate
Ratio=1.555/ μ Sv/h) 。 参照 Medicine (Baltimore) Baltimore). 2019 Sep;98(37): こ の論文は 津田氏ら
の論文に続いて 福島の甲状腺がんも、チェルノブイリに続いて、低線量 放射線 下での障害
が証明されたことを示しています。 このような中で 本来放射線防御の先頭に立つべき立場
の ICRP がその防御基準を緩めるような変化を行うことは科学的にみても大きな間違いと
思います。今回の改定には反対し ます。
I am a Japanese pediatrician. Since the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011,
childhood thyroid cancer has been occurring in Fukushima Prefecture more than 50
times the prevalence in Japan. The official view of the authoritative source is that it
appears to be frequently caused by S creening ef fects or O ver diagnosis. Me and my
collaborators questioned this assessment and examined the dose response relationship
between thyroid cancer detection rate and exposure dose in 59 municipalities in
Fukushima Prefecture per person year. The detection rate in the area divided into 10 in
order of the dos e at 1710 locations of UNSCEAR MEXT measurement clearly showed a
significant Poisson regression with the dose. Detection Rate Ratio μ Sv/h) = 1.555
Reference; Medicine (Baltimore) .2019 Sep; 98 (37): e17165. This paper indicates that
following the paper by Dr. Tsuda et al., Thyroid cancer in Fukushima was also proven
to be damaged under low dose radiation following Ch ernobyl. In view of this fact, We
think that it is a big mistake from a scientific point of view that the ICRP, which should
be at the foref ront of radiation protection, will make changes that will lo osen its defense
standards. I am against this revision.
